"Good Neighbor" Award relates
"One Soldier's Story"
(Actual size is 3.5 x 3.5)
(Actual size: 7x 9)
(Actual size: 8 x 8); [dated 1
(Creator: Copyright Michael Mi
(c. Apr/May)
(inscription cont'd) Righetti,
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robert an
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robert, G
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robert, K
(l to r, back row) Kenneth and
(same as AutoNumber 7)
(same as AutoNumber 9)
1 boss with diagonal cord mark
1/4 inch dry screening.
14LV401 Feature 6, burned lime
14LV401, FN 1185 (mussel shell
18th and Vine
18th and Vine Historic Distric
2s, sumac
3 frags of metate, reconstruct
3/4 grooved; Dark gray basic r
31st St north to Missouri Rive
35mm test
43rd St N to Downtown Kansas C
5.4 cm wide, 0.7 cm thick
729 New York St.
729 New York St. Alley Barn La
736 Alabama St.
736 Alabama St., identical to
75cm in center of North wall;
79-80N/167-168E, 40 cm, artifa
820 Massachusetts St.
820 Massachusetts St., site of
847 Ohio, front entrance of Ni
; 3.6 cm long
A 1986 reprint of a 1976 photo
A Collection of original voyag
A Wet Sod Day
A collection of curious travel
A treatise on the culture of t
A voyage into the Levant: perf
Abandoned building and junk ya
Abandoned urban reservoir near
About to Bud
Above the Burn
Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex Hook
Abstract cross hatching with i
Abstracted cross hatching and
Abstracted cross hatching at r
Abstracted cross hatching at r
Abstracted cross hatching at r
Abstracted cross hatching with
Accessory farm structures in r
Accompanying letter discusses
Actual size is 7" x 8"
Adam's needle
Admission of Indifference
Aerial view of Hardin, Missour
Aerial view of Hardin, Missour
Aerial view of Kansas City, Mi
Aerial view of Kauffman Stadiu
Aerial view of Kelley site (14
Aerial view of Kelley site (14
Aerial view of a highway inter
Aerial view of downtown Kansas
Aerial view of multifamily hou
Aerial view of rail yard.
After Storm
After the Rain
Agalinis fasciculata (Elliott)
Agricultural land
Agriculture (Contoured berms)
Airport Road
Alan Kooi Simpson
Albert Gore
Alfonse Marcello D'Amato
Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman) Lan
Alive Woodside
All efforts were made to find
All the Bright and Shining Day
Allium drummondii Regel
Almost Goodbye
Alternate beveling; triangular
Amber Woods
American coot wing bone
Ameristar Casino near Missouri
Amorpha canescens Pursh
An Admission of Chaos
An historical and chronologica
An itinerary vvritten by Fynes
Androstephium caeruleum (Schee
Anemone caroliniana Walt.
Angered Landscape
Annals of commerce, manufactur
Announcing Dole candidacy for
Another Take on the Bush
Antler billet
Antler point tip; bifurcated;
Anvil Heads
Arabian Peninsula --Descriptio
Arcade at 828 Mass. St.
Arcade at 828 Massachusetts St
Archaic hammerstones and bone
Archaic projectile in situ at
Archaic; lancelotae, 2 convex
Armour Boulevard north to Down
Art Fletcher
Artifacts from the collection
Asclepias hirtella (Pennell) W
Asclepias incarnata L.
Asclepias meadii Torr. ex A. G
Asclepias tuberosa L.
Asclepias viridis Walt.
Ashy sunflower
Aster novae-angliae L.
Aster praealtus Poir.
Aster sericeus Vent.
Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt.
Astragalus missouriensis Nutt.
Astragalus nuttallianus D.C.
Astragalus plattensis Nutt. ex
At Sudlow's Pond
Atlante veneto.|n2.
B. Frenzel
Baby Jay
Backfilling at Kelley site (14
Backlit Clouds
Backlit Ditch
Backlit Ditch Wonders
Backlit Forms
Backlit Saplings
Baculites compressus var. corr
Baculites meeki (Elias)
Baculites pseudovatus (Elias)
Bank Grasses
Baptisia alba (L.) Vent.
Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br.
Barbara Bush
Barbazon Reflex
Barbazon Woods
Barber B. (Barber Benjamin) Co
Bare Tree and Cold Break
Bare trees on rural lot
Barge on Missouri River
Barge on Missouri River.
Barry M. (Barry Morris) Goldwa
Barteldes Seed Store
Barteldes Seed Store, 804 Mass
Bartle Hall and Barney Allis P
Basal portion of side notched
Basaltic rock with chips and p
Base (incomplete piece); corne
Baseball fields at recreationa
Basketball mural on brick buil
Basketball mural on brick buil
Basketball mural on brick buil
Baylea capertoni (Beede)
Bee spiderflower
Before Struggle
Before the Storm
Beige and gray chert; triangul
Beige chert with black flecks
Beneath Eros
Berlandier's flax
Beyond Thinking-of-It
Bifacially flaked knife; mottl
Bifacially worked stemmed, fos
Bifacially worked; light orang
Big Clouds
Big Sky
Big Sky and Floodplain
Big Sky, Quiet Evening
Big box and pad development al
Big box and strip commercial d
Big box development at highway
Big box development, Liberty,
Bilgerfahrt vnd Beschreibung d
Bill Clinton
Bill Lacy
Bill Lacy, current director of
Bina Dole
Bindweed heliotrope
Birches at Rick's
Birthday Cloud
Bit end frag. of celt or axe;
Bit end of battered "greenston
Black Earth
Black Earth Landscape
Black Earth Return
Black Earth and Valley
Black Earth, Cold Spring
Black Earth, Perry
Black Earth/Backlit Clouds
Black Earth: What Happened Her
Black Trance
Black and white photograph
Black and white slide
Black chert
Black sampson echinacea
Black speckled gray-brown cher
Black to brown-black chert
Black to tan
Black to tan to white chert; u
Black-eyed susan
Black-foot daisy
Blade, medium gray to dark gra
Blade; cream chert; worked on
Blade; gray chert; chipped alo
Blank Plain
Blue Leaves
Blue Parkway with Kansas City
Blue Parkway with railroad bri
Blue River channel near 12th S
Blue River industrial area. Ju
Blue River w/junkyards / 12th
Blue Springs strip commercial
Blue Springs strip commercial
Blue false indigo
Blue funnel lily
Bluemound End
Bluemound Evening
Bluemound Late Afternoon
Bluemound Rolling
Bluemound and Furrows
Bluemound, Fast Sky
Bob Hope
Bob McEwen
Bob Michel
Bob Packwood
Bob Wilson
Bobby Baker
Bobby Edwards
Bobcat jaw fragment; butcher m
Body and part of head; square
Body with head; lack of define
Body with head; square shoulde
Bone Clouds
Bone tube
Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin
Botany--Early works to 1800.
Bowersock Opera House
Bowersock Opera House, now kno
Bowersock Opera House, now kno
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Bentley
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Bob Dol
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Dole an
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Dole st
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Loose P
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Bob Dole
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Childhoo
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / KU Baske
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Russell
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Russell
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Russell
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Washburn
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / 10th Mou
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dole Sta
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dole and
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dole as
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dole in
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dole, Ro
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Portrait
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Recovery
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Recovery
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Recovery
Box / Folder: BIO-3 / Russell
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Dole wit
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Republic
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Republic
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 1962 Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 1964 Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 1968 Sen
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Campaign
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Campaign
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Campaign
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Primary
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Billboar
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Dole-Rob
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Dole-Rob
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Filing b
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Nelson R
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 1974 Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 1974 Sen
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 1974 Sen
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / Debate-
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / Dole wit
Box / Folder: CAM-5 / 1976 For
Box / Folder: CAM-5 / Debate-
Box / Folder: CAM-6 / 1987, Pr
Box / Folder: CAM-6 / 1988 Pri
Box / Folder: CAM-7a / Dole fo
Box / Folder: CAM-7a / Electio
Box / Folder: CAM-7b / Dole fo
Box / Folder: CAM-7c / 1996 Ca
Box / Folder: CONS-4 / Constit
Box / Folder: DIP-3a / Dedicat
Box / Folder: DIP-3b / Photos
Box / Folder: FAM-3a / Birthda
Box / Folder: FAM-3a / Family
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Dedicati
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Dole pic
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Senate c
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Tip O'Ne
Box / Folder: MAJ-2 / Dinner f
Box / Folder: MAJ-2 / Meeting
Box / Folder: MAJ-4 / Retireme
Box / Folder: MED-2 / Media Ap
Box / Folder: MED-2 / Media Ap
Box / Folder: NDIP-1 / Dole Sa
Box / Folder: OVS-1 / Loose in
Box / Folder: OVS-13 / Loose i
Box / Folder: OVS-2 / Loose in
Box / Folder: OVS-3 / Loose in
Box / Folder: OVS-6 /
Box / Folder: OVS-6 / Loose in
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Agricult
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Air Forc
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Alf Land
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / American
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Armenian
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Farms an
Box / Folder: PLA-10 / Dole Wi
Box / Folder: PLA-11b / KU Bas
Box / Folder: PLA-11b / Kansas
Box / Folder: PLA-13 / Martin
Box / Folder: PLA-13 / Milk di
Box / Folder: PLA-14 / Day of
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / POW-MIA
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / POW/MIA
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Pancake
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Paul Re
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Prostat
Box / Folder: PLA-17 / Queen E
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Dole, R
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Republi
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Republi
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Republi
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Russell
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Russell
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Russell
Box / Folder: PLA-19a / Senate
Box / Folder: PLA-19b / Signin
Box / Folder: PLA-19b / Specia
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / "Bananas
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / B-1 Bomb
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Baker, B
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Black Le
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Boy Scou
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / White Ho
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Taxflat
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Thayer
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Truman
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Veteran
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Veteran
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Veteran
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Veteran
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / [Vietna
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / Waitin
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / Washin
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / Wichit
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / Nation
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / Women
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / World
Box / Folder: PLA-26 / Zaslavs
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Bicenten
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Campaign
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Castle D
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Congress
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Council
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Members
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Defense
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Desert
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Dinner
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Disabil
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Disabil
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Disabil
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Dole-Ha
Box / Folder: PLA-4b / Dole Co
Box / Folder: PLA-5 / Eisenhow
Box / Folder: PLA-5 / Emporia
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Dole Mee
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Farmers
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Food and
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Fort Ril
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Four Fre
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / French L
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Parade i
Box / Folder: PLA-7 / "Gulf Wa
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Hart-Dol
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Humphrey
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Trip, Ai
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / Bosnia (
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / ICMP 2nd
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / Iraq mee
Box / Folder: POR-1b / Bob Dol
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Jackson
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Johnson
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Jung, K
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Dole, K
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Kelikia
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Kennedy
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / Lacy,
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / Landon
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / Leno,
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / Leonar
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / Letter
Box / Folder: PPL-13a / McGove
Box / Folder: PPL-14b / Nixon
Box / Folder: PPL-14b / Nixon,
Box / Folder: PPL-16 / Pope Jo
Box / Folder: PPL-18b / Reagan
Box / Folder: PPL-18c / Reagan
Box / Folder: PPL-18c / Reagan
Box / Folder: PPL-20 / Ter-Pet
Box / Folder: PPL-20 / Thatche
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Walesa,
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Whitest
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Woodwar
Box / Folder: PPL-25 / Yeltsin
Box / Folder: PPL-2a / Baker,
Box / Folder: PPL-2a / Baker,
Box / Folder: PPL-2b / Bork, R
Box / Folder: PPL-2c / Bush, G
Box / Folder: PPL-2c / Bush, G
Box / Folder: PPL-3a / Carter,
Box / Folder: PPL-3c / From Bl
Box / Folder: PPL-4a / Dole, R
Box / Folder: PPL-4b / Dole, E
Box / Folder: PPL-4d / Leader
Box / Folder: PPL-4d / Leader
Box / Folder: PPL-4e / Dole, R
Box / Folder: PPL-5 / Dole par
Box / Folder: PPL-5 / Eisenhow
Box / Folder: PPL-6b / Ford, G
Box / Folder: PPL-7 / Gorbeche
Box / Folder: PPL-8b / Hope, B
Box / Folder: PPL-8b / Hussein
Box / Folder: PPL-9 / Inouye,
Box / Folder: STAF-4 / Staff,
Box / Folder: TRIP-1 / Armenia
Box / Folder: TRIP-12 / Bien-H
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Hungary
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / India T
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / India T
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Italy T
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Italy T
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Italy,
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Italy:
Box / Folder: TRIP-3 / Panama
Box / Folder: TRIP-3 / Trip to
Box / Folder: TRIP-5 / Panama
Box / Folder: TRIP-7b / Shots
Box / Folder: TRIP-7f / Photo
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP Sign
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP Sign
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP Sign
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP Sign
Box / Folder: VIP-3 / Bush, Ge
Box / Folder: VIP-3 / VIP Sign
Bracted spiderwort
Bractless mentzelia
Breadroot scurf-pea
Break Writing
Bridge in Shadow
Bridge piers in field
Brightness of Blossoms
British Landscape
British Prime Minister Margare
Broad Sundown
Broiled Bush
Broken preform; dark to light
Broken tip; gray chert with wh
Brook Creek Park
Brook Creek Park, Oak Hill Ave
Brown chert with dark brown in
Brown chert with fossiliforous
Brown chert with white inclusi
Brown sandstone
Brown to dark brown; incomplet
Brownish green fossiliferous c
Brush Creek view west from Mai
Bub Dawson
Buck's Creek RoadDusk
Bucks Creek
Bud Smith
Buff to gray
Buff to tan; perforated; incom
Buffeted Tree
Buffeting Winds
Buildings at Sprint Corporate
Buildings in central business
Buildings on Sprint Corporate
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammunitio
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammunitio
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammunitio
Burcham Park, Cold
Burned limestone
Burning; worked edge; yellow-t
Busby's Field
Busby's Hill
Busby's Place
Bush Campaign '88
Butt end of stone axe; materia
Butterfly milkweed
Button blazing star
Button snakeroot
Byproduct from industrial proc
Callirhoe alcaeoides (Michx.)
Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. &
Calm Clouds
Calylophus lavandulifolius
Calylophus lavandulifolius (To
Canis familiarius; left mandib
Canis famitiarius; right mandi
Canis latrans; right mandible
Canis lupus; right mandible
Canted Cloud
Cardamine concatenata (Michx.)
Cardinal flower
Carl Ramsey
Carl Rundquist
Carolina anemone
Carolina larkspur
Cartoon image
Carved bone artifact, has a tr
Casino on Missouri River
Castor canadensis; left mandib
Catfish vertebra
Central Business District
Central Business District look
Central School
Central School, 901 Kentucky,
Central School, now the 901 Bu
Central business district. Riv
Ceramic sherd in situ, area B
Ceramic sherds in situ, area B
Ceriocrinus (q)
Ceriocrinus (q) monticulatus (
Chamaecrista fasciculata (Mich
Channelized portion of the Blu
Chaos Giving Way
Charles "Chuck" Percy
Charles Evans Whittaker Federa
Charles Evans Whittaker Federa
Charles Langston, Marker
Charles Langston, Marker, Oak
Chert hoe
Chert, gray; corner notched, b
Chert; bifacially worked; dark
Chester Trent Lott
Chicago surgeon Dr. Hampar Kel
Chipped stone
Christy Graft
Cinder block building under co
Circular base bifacially worke
Cirrus and Bluemound
Cities and towns, Medieval.
Cities and towns--Europe--Earl
Cities and towns--Maps--Early
Civitates orbis terrarum. Fren
Cladochonus bennetti (Beede)
Clark's Point - Case Park
Claude Pepper
Clayland Boyden Gray
Clematis fremontii
Clematis fremontii S. Wats.
Cleome serrulata Pursh
Climbing rose
Climbing, Turning
Clinton Dam Woods
Clinton and RJD were both memb
Closely spaced, precise cross-
Cloud Bay
Cloud Break
Cloud Entrance
Clouds Building, Furrows
Clouds over Missouri River
Clouds over Missouri River.
Coal fired power plant along M
Coal fired power plant along M
Cob fragment
Cold Break and Shining Sky
Cold Day Rising
Cold Sky Break
Cold Spring Hillside
Cold Storm
Cold Storm, Wetlands
Cold Sunday Morning
Cold Sunset
Cold Wind
College of Emporia Commencemen
Color slide
Colored Run
Columbus Park (Skyline in back
Colyer Prairie
Combine and tractor in field a
Combines harvesting crops.
Common golden star-grass
Common morning-glory
Community of Christ Temple
Compact, multifamily housing
Compass plant
Complete Sketch
Complete figure; square body w
Complete pipe; large, round bo
Concave base, convex side, ver
Concave base, convex side, ver
Concrete drainage ditch in sub
Concrete drainage ditch with w
Conference room, U.S. Capitol
Confluence of Missouri and Kan
Confluence of the Kansas and M
Congressmen selected to partic
Conical pipe
Conical shape; decorated with
Conical shape; hematite; flat
Conical shape; smooth stone; p
Contoured fields near Lexingto
Contoured fields with contrast
Contoured fields with contrast
Contracting stem, slightly con
Contracting stem; buff to gray
Contracting stem; convex base
Contracting stem; convex sides
Contracting stem; convex sides
Contracting stem; convex sides
Contracting stem; convex sides
Contracting stem; convex sides
Contracting stem; gray to gray
Contracting stem; light brown
Contracting stem; pink chert w
Contracting stem; pink to buff
Contracting stem; reworked tip
Contracting stem; slightly con
Contracting stem; slightly con
Contracting stem; slightly con
Contracting stem; slightly con
Contracting stem; slightly con
Contracting stem; tan to cream
Contracting stem; triangular s
Contracting stem; triangular;
Contrast in autumnal vegetatio
Contrast of plowed field
Contrast of plowed field.
Contrast on agricultural land.
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Copper celt
Copse of Trees, Black Earth
Copse of Trees, Wheatfield
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim with bossin
Cord marked at rim; tan to yel
Cord marked exterior, light or
Cord marked exterior, striatio
Cord marked exterior; light or
Cord marked exterior; light ye
Cord marked exterior; tan to l
Cord marked with bossing below
Cord marked with bossing; brow
Cord marked with bossing; brow
Cord marked, grit tempered; ta
Cord marked, light tan-orange;
Cord marked, punctated rim; da
Cord marked; dark brown exteri
Cord-marked, grit-tempered; or
Cord-marked, one boss, orange-
Cord-marked; buff to tan exter
Cord-marked; grit-tempered; ta
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt.
Coretta Scott King
Corinthian Hall
Corinthian Hall in northeast K
Corn (maize); Zea mays; domest
Corn Stubble
Corn Stubble Fall
Cornelius (Connie) Mack III
Corner Shadows
Corner Weeds
Corner notched, convex base, t
Corner notched; concave base;
Corner notched; convex base an
Corner notched; cream to gray
Corner notched; dark gray
Corner notched; gray to buff c
Corner notched; light gray wit
Corner notched; pink chert
Corner notched; rounded tip
Corner notched; rounded tip; c
Corner notched; slightly conve
Corner notched; slightly conve
Corner notched; slightly conve
Corner notched; slightly conve
Corner-notched with slightly c
Corner-notched with slightly c
Corot Thang
Corydalis curvisiliqua Engelm.
Cottonwoods, Cumulus
Country Club Plaza
Country Club Plaza looking eas
Country Club Plaza shopping di
Country Club Plaza shopping di
Cows' Road
Coyote Tree
Cracked & Warped Landscape
Cream chert unifacially worked
Cream chert with very few medi
Cream chert, percussion flakin
Cream chert; unifacially chipp
Cream chert; unifacially worke
Cream to buff chert with black
Cream to buff sandstone
Cream to gray chert; bifaciall
Cream to pink chert; unifacial
Cream-white chert
Cream-white to pink chert
Credit to The Wichita Eagle an
Crew cleaning area.
Crew digs Features 5, 8, and 9
Cross hatched at rim with boss
Cross hatched at rim with boss
Cross hatched at rim with circ
Cross hatched at rim with circ
Cross hatched at rim with circ
Cross hatched at rim with cord
Cross hatched at rim with dent
Cross hatched at rim with fain
Cross hatched at rim with fain
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with inci
Cross hatched at rim with line
Cross hatched at rim with line
Cross hatched at rim with line
Cross hatched at rim with ovat
Cross hatched at rim with ovat
Cross hatched at rim with perf
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with punc
Cross hatched at rim with rect
Cross hatched at rim with rect
Cross hatched at rim with rect
Cross hatched at rim with rect
Cross hatched at rim with smal
Cross hatched at rim with smal
Cross hatched at rim; brown ex
Cross hatched at rim; brown ex
Cross hatched at rim; brown ex
Cross hatched at rim; brown ex
Cross hatched at rim; brown to
Cross hatched at rim; brown to
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark bro
Cross hatched at rim; dark ora
Cross hatched at rim; dark to
Cross hatched at rim; dark to
Cross hatched at rim; gray-bro
Cross hatched at rim; gray-tan
Cross hatched at rim; gray-tan
Cross hatched at rim; light br
Cross hatched at rim; light br
Cross hatched at rim; orange-t
Cross hatched at rim; orange-t
Cross hatched at rim; orange-t
Cross hatched at rim; tan exte
Cross hatched at rim; tan to b
Cross hatched at rim; tan to b
Cross hatched at rim; tan to d
Cross hatched at rim; tan to d
Cross hatched at rim; tan to g
Cross hatched at rim; tan to o
Cross hatched exterior rim, in
Cross hatched exterior rim, in
Cross hatched exterior rim; br
Cross hatched exterior rim; br
Cross hatched exterior rim; br
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; da
Cross hatched exterior rim; gr
Cross hatched exterior rim; gr
Cross hatched exterior rim; li
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; or
Cross hatched exterior rim; re
Cross hatched exterior rim; ta
Cross hatched exterior rim; ta
Cross hatched exterior rim; ye
Cross hatched with bossing and
Cross hatched with bossing and
Cross hatched with incised lin
Cross hatched with incised lin
Cross hatched with large punct
Cross hatched with linear punc
Cross hatched with punctate; d
Cross hatched with punctates a
Cross hatched with punctates a
Cross hatched with punctates a
Cross hatched with punctates a
Cross hatched with punctates a
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates b
Cross hatched with punctates,
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with punctates;
Cross hatched with rectangular
Cross hatched with small punct
Cross hatched with small punct
Cross hatched with small punct
Cross hatched with small punct
Cross hatched with square punc
Cross hatched with square punc
Cross hatched with square punc
Cross hatched with square punc
Cross hatched with thick punct
Cross hatched with thick punct
Cross hatched with thick punct
Cross hatched with two rows of
Cross hatched with unique punc
Cross hatched with vertical in
Cross hatched with vertical li
Cross hatched; dark brown to b
Cross hatched; tan to brown ex
Cross hatching and punctates;
Cross hatching with diagonal p
Cross-hatched exterior with pu
Cross-hatched exterior, orange
Cross-hatched exterior, orange
Cross-hatched exterior; dark t
Cross-hatched with punctate ro
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates,
Cross-hatched with punctates;
Cross-hatched, light orange ex
Cross-hatched, lip protruding
Cross-hatching on upper rim; p
Cross-section of nave {ship} s
Crossroads Bushes
Crossroads II
Crossroads Panorama
Crossroads and Central Busines
Crossroads arts district. Phot
Curved incised line with rocke
Cut Wheat
Cyclist on river levy
Dalea candida Michx. ex Willd.
Dalea jamesii (Torr.) Torr. &
Dalea multiflora (Nutt.) Shinn
Dalea purpurea Vent.
Dan Glickman
Dan Quayle
Dancing Weeds
Daniel David "Dan" Rostenkowsk
Daniel K. Inouye
Daniel Ortega
Dark Earth
Dark Woodside
Dark gray
Dark gray chert
Dark gray chert with fossilifo
Dark gray chert with white inc
Dark gray chert with white inc
Dark gray chert, ovate, bifaci
Dark gray chert; bifacially wo
Dark gray chert; point at one
Dark gray to brown chert with
Dark gray to brown chert with
Dark gray to cream-white chert
Dark gray to gray
Dark gray-brown sandstone
Dark gray-pink chert
Dark pink to black chert; unif
Dark pink to gray chert
Dark pink to light orange cher
Dark pink to light pink chert
Dark pink to white chert; some
Dark pink with white inclusion
Dark tan chert with black incl
Dark yellow-orange; oval bowl
Darkened Sheen
Dave Owen
David C. Hilmers
David Letterman
David M. Brinkley
Davis Civic Mall
Day of the Tornado
De La Peña Tree
Dead Owl Corner
Dead Owl Corner Road
Dead Treetop
Dead Woman Lane
Dead nettle
Decorated object
Dedication of Hubert Humphrey
Deep cross-hatching on exterio
Deer Spotting: Buck's Creek
Deer antler
Deer antler tine
Deer jaw
Deer ulna
Defenbaugh landfill
Defenbaugh landfill in Shawnee
Delegation to East European co
Delocrinus conicus (Boos)
Delphinium carolinianum Walt.
Dentate stamping and bossing a
Dentate stamping and incised l
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with b
Dentate stamping at rim with i
Dentate stamping at rim with i
Dentate stamping at rim with p
Dentate stamping at rim with p
Dentate stamping at rim with t
Dentate stamping at rim, bossi
Dentate stamping at rim, bossi
Dentate stamping at rim, bossi
Dentate stamping at rim, incis
Dentate stamping at rim, incis
Dentate stamping at rim, round
Dentate stamping at rim; brown
Dentate stamping at rim; dark
Dentate stamping on exterior r
Dentate stamping with bossing
Dentate stamping with bossing;
Dentate stamping with punctate
Dentate stamping, one boss on
Deserted highway in Wabaunsee
Desmanthus illinoensis (Michx.
Detention basin on Reservoir H
Development along highway
Diagonal and horizontal incise
Diagonal cord marked pattern a
Diagonal cord marking at rim w
Diagonal cross hatching at rim
Diagonal cross hatching with p
Diagonal cross hatching with p
Diagonal dentate stamping at r
Diagonal dentate stamping at r
Diagonal dentate stamping at r
Diagonal dentate stamping with
Diagonal incised line at rim w
Diagonal incised lines at rim
Diagonal incised lines at rim
Diagonal incised lines at rim
Diagonal incised lines at rim
Diagonal incised lines at rim
Diagonal incised lines at rim;
Diagonal insiced line at rim,
Diagonal punctate pattern at r
Diagonal rocker stamping on ex
Dicentra cucullaria (L.) Bernh
Dimpled, conical shape; quartz
Discussing disability programs
Disk shaped; brown to gray
Disk shaped; gray
Disk shaped; some pecking at e
Ditch Forms Writing the Sky
Ditch Wonders
Ditch in Haze
Ditch stonecrop
Division Review; (Creator: U.S
Doctor's Hill
Dodecatheon meadia L.
Dogwood Leaves
Dole in front of large America
Dole on Presidential mission t
Dolores Curry
Don Lock
Donald Lee Nickles
Doran Dole
Dorothy Jacobson
Double Hill: Perry
Double-pitted sandstone cobble
Dougherty graduated from Russe
Douglas County Court House, 11
Douglas County Courthouse
Down By the River
Downtown Airport, view of Kans
Downtown Blue Springs, Missour
Downtown De Soto
Downtown De Soto in the foregr
Downtown Kansas City showing B
Downtown Kansas City, Kansas a
Downtown Kansas City, Kansas e
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Kansas City, Missouri
Downtown Leavenworth
Downtown Leavenworth, Kansas.
Downtown Lexington with Missou
Downtown Lexington, Missouri
Downtown Manhattan with Kansas
Downtown Manhattan, Kansas. Ka
Downtown area with suburban de
Downy gentian
Dr. B.R. Sen
Dr. Glen C. Hutchison
Dr. Johnson at Kelley site (14
Draba cuneifolia Nutt.
Drainage channel in suburban n
Draining Field and Clouds
Dried Blossoms
Dried Bluestem
Dried Pasture and Overcast
Drill bit; broken; dark pink c
Drill bit; dark gray to gray-b
Drilled hole; tan
Drought Afternoon
Drought Ditch Wonder
Drought Ditch Wonder II
Drought Plants and Break
Duane Mead and Barbara Richard
Duane Mead excavating at featu
Dumpsters at Defenbaugh Dispos
During dedication of Robert J.
Dustin Dougherty
Dutchman's breeches
Dwight D. (Dwight David) Eisen
Eagle Hillside
Early Spring Overlooking Westp
Early maps.
East Indian Grass
East Side Plain
East of Town
Eastern Low Floodplain Forest
Eastern Low Floodplain Prairie
Echinacea angustifolia DC.
Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt
Echinocereus viridiflorus Enge
Edge modified blade; dark gray
Edge modified flake; brown che
Edge modified flake; dark pink
Edge modified flake; light tan
Edge modified flake; light to
Edge modified flake; tan chert
Edward Jacob (Jake) Garn
Edward Moore Kennedy
Egypt --Description and travel
Egypt--Description and travel.
Elaine Brandy
Elderberry Nested
Elderberry and Wild Grape
Elderberry at Henry's
Elderberry in Shadows
Elderberry in the Heat
Eldridge Hotel, detail. This 1
Electric Woods
Elevated railway in rural area
Elevated railway in rural area
Elizabeth Dole adjusts tie
Elizabeth Hanford Dole
Elms and Mackerel Sky
Elms and Unknowns
End and side scraper; tan to g
End of Season
End of Year, Blacks, Edges
End of the Road
Endscraping bit; reworked into
English Kansas
English language--Glossaries,
Enteletes transversus (Newell)
Entrance road to Harrah's Nort
Entrance to Kansas Speedway
Entrance to Kansas Speedway in
Epiphany in the Heat
Ermine Case, Jr. Park, formerl
Eryngium yuccifolium Michx.
Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC.
Erythronium mesochoreum Knerr
Etched lines on surfaces
Eudora/Desoto - general subdiv
Evening North of Town
Evening Road
Evening, Cold
Evening, for Jean
Ewing and Marion Kauffman Foun
Ewing and Marion Kauffman Foun
Excavation by shovel skimming
Excavation crew members.
Excavation in area B
Excavation in progress
Excavation in progress.
Excavation of site by crew mem
Excavation plan view.
Excavations may have been part
Excavations proceeding in 2x2
Excavator Candie Heavin lookin
Excavator Georgia Willard usin
Excavators Joanne Boehrer and
Excavators Wade Anderson, El R
Explanation of types of sea ch
Explanation with illustrations
Extract from account of voyage
Extract from description of Ro
Extract from discussion of Eng
Extract from discussion of Eng
Extract from recipes used in E
Extracts from Fynes Moryson's
Extracts from a history of Bri
Extracts from account of Leonh
Extracts from account of voyag
Extracts from account of voyag
Extracts from description of v
Extracts from descriptions of
Extracts from discussion of va
Extracts from history of Briti
Extreme Screen Theatre at Unio
Exurban large lot single famil
Fading Sky
Failed Sunset
Failure Field
Faint cross hatching and punct
Faint dentate stamping and inc
Faint impression and possible
Faint incised lines at rim, th
Faint rocker stamping with dee
Faint rocker stamping; gray-ta
Faint rocker stamping; incurva
Faint rocker stamping; tan ext
Fairfax Grain Elevator with Ka
Fall gathering on farm
Fallen Trees: Kaw Side
False sensitive plant
Fanned Field
Far Away
Far Look at Sunset
Far Look over Valley
Far-look: Evening
Farm Equipment
Farm crisis protest, Washingto
Farm related structures
Farm setting with pumpkin patc
Farmhouse and farmland
Farmhouse and farmland.
Fascicled false-foxglove
Fast Landscape
Fast Painting with Bob
Fast Run
Fast Woodside
Feature 1, pit 4W28
Feature 12, before excavation,
Feature 12, excavated, looking
Feature 2 86N/161E, 30 cm, not
Feature 2 excavation in progre
Feature 24.
Feature 8 completed 82 cm b.s.
Feature Type: airport
Feature Type: area
Feature Type: bridge
Feature Type: building
Feature Type: cemetery
Feature Type: church
Feature Type: civil
Feature Type: crossing
Feature Type: locale
Feature Type: park
Feature Type: ppl
Feature Type: school
Feature Type: stream
Feature Type: transportation
Feature Type: urban place
Feature number 1.
Feature number 3.
Feature number 4, storage pit
Feature number 5, archaic bone
Feature number 6 facing east w
Feature number 7, stone and an
Feature number 8 with excavato
Fenceposts near Westphal's
Ferrous oxide
Fertility II
Field Corner Draining
Field Ghosts
Field Return and Sky
Field bindweed
Fields and Silhouettes
Fields during harvest
Figurine? oval shape; deep inc
Film Photography
Fine Rain
Fire Bush in Black
First Baptist Church Raytown/3
First Baptist Church near 350
First Light
Fistulipora nodulifera (Moore
Five incised lines down center
Flake; "Keeled" 30¡ slope from
Flake; "Thumb" scraper; gray c
Flake; Chert; yellow grading i
Flake; Mottled Red-brown chert
Flake; gray-brown chert
Flake; light gray chert with w
Flake; mottled yellow-gray che
Flake; yellow-brown chert with
Flame-Dance Bush
Flat lip with incising, 4 boss
Flat lipped with smoothed-over
Flint Hills
Flint Hills tallgrass prairie
Flock of geese in flight.
Flood Waters
Flood and Shining Grass
Flooded Furrows
Floodplain Dusk
Floodplain Ennui
Floodplain Farmstead
Floodplain Overhang, Light
Floodplain Road
Floodplain Road View
Floodplain Sky
Floodplain Study
Floodplain Woods
Floodplain, Big Sky
Floodplain, Calm
Floodplain, Rising Sky
Floodplains, Cold Spring
Flotation process at Kelley si
Flowers like Fireflies
Fog over Missouri river
Fog over Missouri river.
For Akins
For Dad
Forgotten Corner
Format: black & white, landsca
Format: black & white, portrai
Format: color, landscape
Format: color, portrait
Former Kansas Governor William
Former railroad roundhouse con
Fort Scott, KS
Fossiliferous rose-gray chert;
Four excavators doing the flot
Four incised lines down center
Foxtails & Sunset
Foxtails for Joan
Foxtails in Wind
Fragment of hammerstone, smoot
Fragmented stone, ground and p
Fragrant Hillside
Frank Carlson
Frank Hoke
Frantisek Tomasek
Fratris Felicis Fabri Evagator
Fred Hartman
Frederick Hauck
Free-State Hotel
Free-State Hotel, 701 Massachu
Fremont's clematis
Fremont's evening primrose
French language--Glossaries, v
French, 19th c.
Freshwater Marsh
Fringed puccoon
From S-37-03; three beads
Frozen Dusk
Frozen Morning
Full Summer, Wind, Ditch
Fully grooved axe; gray-brown
Fully grooved axe; tan-brown
Furrow and Clouds
Furrowed Angle
Furrows and Windbreak
Furrows in Spring
Gastrodonta imperforata (Hanna
Geese in flight
General subdivision
General subdivision. Suburban
General suburban development
General suburban development w
Gentiana puberulenta Pringle
Geography--Early works to 1800
George "Pinky" Nelson
George F. Will
George Herbert Walker Bush
George J. (George John) Mitche
George S. (George Stanley) McG
George W. (George Walker) Bush
Gerald R. Ford
Ghosts in Field
Glance at a Prayer
Gloria Dole Nelson
Gloria's Road
Gloria's Road and Valley
Gloria's Trees
Gloria's Trees at Sunset
Goat's rue
Goodbye, Then
Grain elevators
Grain elevators near railroad
Grand Old Party (GOP), meeting
Grand Sky and Field Edges
Grandstand at Kansas Speedway.
Grandview Triangle under const
Grandview Triangle under const
Granite; white to gray
Grass Chaos
Grass Clump
Grass Shafts
Grass Vectors
Grass, Ditch
Grasses and Wind
Grasses at Kaw I
Grasses at Kaw II
Grasses for Joan
Grasses for Ken
Grasses for Ken II
Gravel Run
Gravel Run Study
Gray brown chert with white in
Gray chert
Gray chert - triangular, sligh
Gray chert with fossiliforous
Gray chert with white inclusio
Gray chert, turning black 1.8c
Gray chert; unnotched lanceola
Gray goldenrod
Gray pink chert
Gray to cream chert
Gray to dark gray
Gray to dark gray chert with w
Gray to gray-brown chert; brok
Gray to gray-pink chert
Gray to light gray chert; unif
Gray to pink
Gray to tan
Gray-green granite
Great Britain--Commerce--Histo
Greece--Description and travel
Green antelopehorn
Grinding stone
Grooves on four sides; yellow-
Grooves on two sides; tan sand
Ground and pecked on 2 sides;
Ground stone
Ground-plum milk-vetch
Group gathered around birthday
Group photo of field school pa
Grus americana (whooping crane
Guests pictured include, Senat
H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Half of miniature vessel; deco
Half of neck; slight flare bel
Hamm's Ridge
Hampar Kelikian
Hand stone
Hand stone; 3 flattened; batte
Handstone; bifacially worked,
Harold Elliot
Haunted Hillside
Haunted Hillside looking East
Haze and smog over the Kansas
Hazelnuts; Corylus americana;
Head of figurine; round shape,
Head of figurine; wide, round
Heat, Detritus
Heather Whitestone
Heaviness on the Copse
Heavy Backlighting
Heavy Roadside
Heavy Summer Evening
Hedgehog cactus
Held in Superdome, New Orleans
Helenium autumnale L.
Helenium flexuosum Raf.
Helianthus mollis Lam.
Heliotropium convolvulaceum (N
Heliotropium tenellum (Nutt.)
Henry Copeland Gravestone
High Day of Summer
High Plains
High Wind and Hillside
High altitude view at the conf
High altitude view at the conf
High tension power lines in a
Highway 13 under construction
Highway Interchange, southeast
Highway construction (Highway
Highway interchange
Highway interchange (I-70 and
Highway intersection, I-435/I-
Highway under construction
Highway under construction in
Highway under construction nea
Highway under construction wit
Highway with industrial and re
Hillside Woods
Hillside and Pewter Sky
Hillside in Wind
Historia naturale di Caio Pli
Hoary puccoon
Holding Back
Home of Desaline W. Langston
Home of Desalines W. Langston,
Home of Mary Dillard
Home of Mary Dillard, 520 Loui
Home site of Mary and Charles
Homes near Scarrit Point
Homes with heart shaped green
Homesite of Mary and Charles L
Hopeful Blossoms
Horizon, Hedge, Cloud
Horizontal rocker stamping at
Horizontal rocker stamping at
Horizontal rocker stamping; br
Hot Corner and Sky
Hot Edge and Corn
Hot Field and Elms
Hot Grasses
Hot Sunrise
Hot Weeds, Busby's
Hotel President Downtown Kansa
House on fire in Kansas City,
House on fire in northeast Kan
House under construction.
Housing near Sunflower Army Am
Howard H. Jr. Baker
Howard Henry Baker
Hubert H. (Hubert Horatio) Hum
Hugh D. (Hugh Doggett) Scott,
Humid Ditch
Hussein Al-Majid Kamel
Hyde Park/Midtown Houses
Hypericum punctatum Lam.
Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Cov.
I-35 and I-435 Interchange
I-35 between CBD and River Mar
I-35 north of the downtown loo
I-35/I-435 interchange
I-435 and Metcalf Ave.
I-435 near Metcalf Ave.
I-70 and The Paseo
I-70 near Blue Springs
I-70 near Blue Springs. View f
I-70 near Blue Springs. View f
I-70 on south side of downtown
Il nautico ricercato del Mare
Illinois bundleflower
Illus Davis Civic Mall bounded
Ilya Iosevich Zaslavsky
Immature deer long bone; incom
In a Rush of Grass
In a Tangle
In his Senate Kansas office, W
In the Weeds
Incised diagonal pattern on ex
Incised exterior pattern; tan
Incised horizontal lines at ri
Incised line decoration with p
Incised line decoration, lippi
Incised line decoration; brown
Incised line decoration; brown
Incised line design at rim wit
Incised line with punctates; d
Incised line with rocker stamp
Incised lines on exterior; lig
Incised vertical and diagonal
Incised vertical lines at rim
Incised vertical lines with co
Incomplete miniature vessel; p
Incomplete; base of drill; gra
Incomplete; bifacially worked;
Incomplete; gray pink
Incomplete; square shape; ligh
Incomplete; triangular tip;mot
Incomplete; triangular; dark p
Independence Ave. in northeast
Indian Grasses
Industrial area along Blue Riv
Industrial area along Blue Riv
Industrial area in northeaster
Industrial area in northeaster
Industrial waste
Infill development between The
Informal portrait
Initial excavation, area A
Inoceramus platinus (Logan)
Inscriptions: "Bob- Impossible
Inscriptions: "Senator Dole, H
Inscriptions: (Dalai Lama's si
Inscriptions: (date)
Inscriptions: (front) Dole wit
Inscriptions: (front, typed)-
Inscriptions: (name, place, da
Inscriptions: (names)
Inscriptions: (names), 1983
Inscriptions: (names); The gro
Inscriptions: (names, White Ho
Inscriptions: (names, date)
Inscriptions: (place, date) Wa
Inscriptions: (typed) April 19
Inscriptions: 1945, Winter Gen
Inscriptions: 1961
Inscriptions: 1964 House Campa
Inscriptions: 1969
Inscriptions: 1970 B-Day party
Inscriptions: 1982
Inscriptions: 9/19/86 POW/MIA
Inscriptions: Alf Landon's 100
Inscriptions: Asst Secretary o
Inscriptions: August 3, 1976,
Inscriptions: B-1 Bomber 1984
Inscriptions: Back: "Campaign
Inscriptions: Back: 'Robert J
Inscriptions: Back: Castel d'A
Inscriptions: Back: Dole child
Inscriptions: Back: Korean Pre
Inscriptions: Back: March 13,
Inscriptions: Back: Senator Do
Inscriptions: Bob Dole Day; El
Inscriptions: Bob Dole and Sec
Inscriptions: Bob Dole present
Inscriptions: Bob Dole with hi
Inscriptions: Booth at State F
Inscriptions: Campaign America
Inscriptions: Campaign Scrapbo
Inscriptions: Cannery Tour Dol
Inscriptions: Congressman Dole
Inscriptions: Congressman Robe
Inscriptions: Congressman Robe
Inscriptions: Copyright Michae
Inscriptions: County officers
Inscriptions: David Brinkley S
Inscriptions: Dodge City Rally
Inscriptions: Dole
Inscriptions: Dole and Kasseba
Inscriptions: Dole in Wichita
Inscriptions: Dole participate
Inscriptions: Dole signs POW/M
Inscriptions: Dole, McGovern
Inscriptions: Dole, R.J.
Inscriptions: Dole- Haysville,
Inscriptions: Dole-1943 before
Inscriptions: Doran and Bina D
Inscriptions: Dustin Dougherty
Inscriptions: Early in RR pres
Inscriptions: Front: April 14,
Inscriptions: Front: April 14,
Inscriptions: Front: Ever-Vict
Inscriptions: Front: photograp
Inscriptions: Helsinki Comm. R
Inscriptions: Inouye, D.; Dole
Inscriptions: Italy, Germany,
Inscriptions: Jayhawk Hotel, T
Inscriptions: Man of action Bo
Inscriptions: Meeting with Jim
Inscriptions: Meeting with far
Inscriptions: On Front of phot
Inscriptions: Phnom Penh, Viet
Inscriptions: Photo by: Lillia
Inscriptions: President Reagan
Inscriptions: RJD, 3rd from ri
Inscriptions: Republicans and
Inscriptions: Robert J. Dole a
Inscriptions: Russell County o
Inscriptions: Russell, August
Inscriptions: Sen. Dole, Best
Inscriptions: Sen. Robert Dole
Inscriptions: Senator Bob Dole
Inscriptions: Senator Dole, Be
Inscriptions: Senator Dole, Se
Inscriptions: Senator Robert J
Inscriptions: Senator [Dole],
Inscriptions: Sep 11, 1961
Inscriptions: Sep 12 1961
Inscriptions: Thank you for yo
Inscriptions: The Kansas Repub
Inscriptions: To Bob- You were
Inscriptions: To Sen. Bob Dole
Inscriptions: To my friend Bob
Inscriptions: U.S. Senate 18 S
Inscriptions: U.S. Senate Phot
Inscriptions: U.S. Senate Phot
Inscriptions: U.S. Senate Phot
Inscriptions: U.S. Senate, Sep
Inscriptions: USED- Date May 1
Inscriptions: [1974] Dr. Bill
Inscriptions: [names]
Inscriptions: add names and de
Inscriptions: at podium: Dole,
Inscriptions: copy
Inscriptions: foreground: Dole
Inscriptions: l to r foregroun
Inscriptions: l to r: Dole, R.
Inscriptions: l to r: Dole, R.
Inscriptions: list names
Inscriptions: right: Dr. Glen
Inscriptions: shot to be a dbl
Intermediate-Range Nuclear For
Intermittent Stream
Intermodal storage containers.
International Commission on Mi
Intersection of 8th and Massac
Intersection of I-70 and Misso
Intersection of Interstates I-
Intersection of Interstates I-
Intersection of Linwood and Tr
Intersection of the Paseo and
Intersection under constructio
Intersection under constructio
Interstate 70
Interstate 70 on the south sid
Into the Sun
Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth
Isolario : descrittione geogra
Isolario dell'Atlante Veneto.
Italy--Description and travel-
Italy--Description and travel.
Ivory colored chert; unifacial
J.C. Nichols Fountain - Countr
J.C. Nichols Fountain on the C
Jack Kemp
Jack R. Miller
Jackson County suburban develo
Jacob Christian Ruppenthal
James Baker
James S. Brady
James Strom Thurmond
James' dalea
Jay Leno
Jean-David Levitte
Jennings Randolph
Jesse Helms
Jesse Jackson
Jeweled Bank: Medieval
Jim Preston
Jimmy Carter
Joe MacConkey
Joe Skubitz
John Bowden Connally
John Day Series
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
John G. (John Goodwin) Tower
John M. Lounge
John William Warner
John Yust doing the flotation
Johnson County first ring subu
Joint announcement of Defense
Joseph R Biden
Jung Kim Dae
Juniper Near Doug's
Junk automobiles and storage t
Junk yard
Just What Was There
KCK-West Bottoms-Central Busin
Kansas (Barteldes) Seed House,
Kansas (Barteldes) Seed Wareho
Kansas (Kaw) River scene of bo
Kansas City International Airp
Kansas City International Airp
Kansas City Livestock Exchange
Kansas City Livestock Exchange
Kansas City, Missouri central
Kansas City, Missouri central
Kansas City, Missouri skyline
Kansas English
Kansas Memorial Union
Kansas Memorial Union, Thirtee
Kansas River
Kansas River from City Hall
Kansas River levee
Kansas River levee near Lawren
Kansas River levee with conflu
Kansas River meander
Kansas River near De Soto, Kan
Kansas River scene
Kansas Speedway
Kansas Speedway in western Wya
Kathleen Brewerton Garn
Kauffman Stadium
Kaw (Kansas) River from City H
Keith G. (Keith George) Sebeli
Kemper Arena/West Bottoms
Ken Lawrence, Robert Rothman,
Kennebunkport press conference
Kenneth Dole
Keywords: 1996 Campaign ; Airp
Keywords: A.D.A. ; Luncheon ;
Keywords: A.D.A. ; Speech ; Di
Keywords: African-Americans ;
Keywords: Agriculture ; Hat ;
Keywords: Airplane ; Russian ;
Keywords: Anniversary ; Milita
Keywords: Anniversary ; Pin ;
Keywords: Armed Forces ; Camof
Keywords: Army ; Trucks ; Mili
Keywords: Astronaut ; Signatur
Keywords: Attorney ; County ;
Keywords: Award Presentation ;
Keywords: Barn ; Farmhouse ; R
Keywords: Belt ; Hat ; Chandel
Keywords: Bicycle ; Poster ; H
Keywords: Billboard ; Campaign
Keywords: Birthday ; Celebrati
Keywords: Bomber ; Microphone
Keywords: Border ; Laugh
Keywords: Button ; Microphone
Keywords: Cake ; Celebration ;
Keywords: Campaign ; Balloons
Keywords: Campaign ; Debate
Keywords: Campaign ; Ford ; Do
Keywords: Capitol
Keywords: Capitol ; Flag
Keywords: Capitol ; Veterans
Keywords: Capitol ; Veterans ;
Keywords: Capitol ; Voting ; C
Keywords: Car ; Economic Polic
Keywords: Card ; Jubilee ; Bir
Keywords: Cardinal ; Chair ; F
Keywords: Carpet ; Vase ; Book
Keywords: Celebration ; Hotel
Keywords: Certificate ; Republ
Keywords: Chair ; Conversation
Keywords: Chair ; Dogs
Keywords: Chevalier de la Legi
Keywords: Child ; Earthquakes
Keywords: Children ; Armenia
Keywords: Columns ; Outside ;
Keywords: Columns ; Ruins ; Ou
Keywords: Conference ; Camera
Keywords: Conference ; Prostat
Keywords: Constituents ; Boy S
Keywords: Conversation ; Car ;
Keywords: Conversation ; Relig
Keywords: Conversation ; Windo
Keywords: County ; Judge ; Rus
Keywords: Debate ; Campaign
Keywords: Dedication ; Dole In
Keywords: Desk ; Convention ;
Keywords: Desk ; Education
Keywords: Desk ; Flag ; Invest
Keywords: Desk ; Retirement ;
Keywords: Desk ; Telephone ; W
Keywords: Dinner ; Flowers ; T
Keywords: Disability ; Microph
Keywords: Dodge City, KS ; Cam
Keywords: Dolls for Dole ; Cam
Keywords: Doorway ; Conversati
Keywords: Emporia ; Commenceme
Keywords: Envelope ; Window ;
Keywords: Eulogy ; Funeral ; P
Keywords: FAO- Food and Agricu
Keywords: FAO- Food and Agricu
Keywords: Families ; childhood
Keywords: Family
Keywords: Family ; childhood ;
Keywords: Family ; sister ; br
Keywords: Famine ; Table ; Rel
Keywords: Farm Equipment ; Han
Keywords: Finance Committee ;
Keywords: Fireplace ; Birthday
Keywords: Fireplace ; Chair ;
Keywords: Fireplace ; Micropho
Keywords: Flag ; Capitol
Keywords: Flag ; Conversation
Keywords: Flag ; Signature ; A
Keywords: Flag ; Speech
Keywords: Flowers ; Outside ;
Keywords: Ford ; Fundraising
Keywords: Ford ; Home ; Presid
Keywords: Foreign ; Military ;
Keywords: Freedom ; Dictatorsh
Keywords: Fundraising ; Campai
Keywords: Funeral ; Airplane ;
Keywords: Gift ; Fireplace
Keywords: Glasses ; Microphone
Keywords: Goldwater Cafe ; Car
Keywords: Governor ; Pin ; Din
Keywords: Governor ; Pipe ; Si
Keywords: Graduation ; Washbur
Keywords: Ground zero ; 9/11 ;
Keywords: Gun ; Infantry ; Ita
Keywords: Hall ; Walk ; Congre
Keywords: Hand ; Outside ; Ret
Keywords: Handshake
Keywords: Handshake ; Armenia
Keywords: Handshake ; Window ;
Keywords: Harry Truman ; Lunch
Keywords: Hat ; Bleachers ; Me
Keywords: Hat ; basketball
Keywords: High School ; Posed
Keywords: Home ; Birthplace ;
Keywords: Hospital ; Injury
Keywords: Hospital ; Veterans
Keywords: Hug ; Button ; 1988
Keywords: India ; Wheat ; FAO-
Keywords: Injury ; Italy ; Wor
Keywords: Internal Revenue Ser
Keywords: International Commis
Keywords: Iowa ; Signs ; 1988
Keywords: Jacket ; Office ; Gl
Keywords: Japan ; Airplane
Keywords: Jeep ; Armed Forces
Keywords: Jelly Beans ; Hat ;
Keywords: KSU ; Student ; Outs
Keywords: Kansas ; Campaign
Keywords: Kiss ; Robin ; Child
Keywords: Kitchen ; Pancake da
Keywords: Laugh ; Flag ; Glass
Keywords: Laugh ; Outside ; Fu
Keywords: Laugh ; Television ;
Keywords: Lightning ; Night ;
Keywords: Luncheon ; Border ;
Keywords: Luncheon ; Campaign
Keywords: Majority Leader ; Se
Keywords: Makeup ; 1988 Campai
Keywords: Martin Luther King D
Keywords: Meeting ; Taxes
Keywords: Memorial ; Dedicatio
Keywords: Microphone ; Desert
Keywords: Microphone ; Dole In
Keywords: Microphone ; Outside
Keywords: Microphone ; Outside
Keywords: Microphone ; Papal a
Keywords: Military ; Helmet ;
Keywords: Military ; Shirtless
Keywords: Milk ; Hunger ; Chil
Keywords: Mosaic ; Hall
Keywords: Mountains ; Intervie
Keywords: Oath ; Attorney
Keywords: Office ; Poster
Keywords: Office ; Ship ; Desk
Keywords: Office ; Window ; La
Keywords: Officers ; Monument
Keywords: Olympian ; Button ;
Keywords: Outside ; China ; Wa
Keywords: Outside ; Flag ; Ded
Keywords: Outside ; Meeting ;
Keywords: Outside ; Military
Keywords: Outside ; Press Conf
Keywords: Outside ; Russell, K
Keywords: Outside ; Staff ; Si
Keywords: Outside ; Uniform
Keywords: Overcoat ; Fog ; Sky
Keywords: Painting ; Border ;
Keywords: Parade ; Kansas ; Ca
Keywords: Parents ; Family ; C
Keywords: Paul Revere ; Lanter
Keywords: Pentagon ; Air Force