"Good Neighbor" Award rel
"One Soldier's Story"
(Actual size is 3.5 x 3.5
(Actual size: 7x 9)
(Actual size: 8 x 8); [da
(c. Apr/May)
(Creator: Copyright Micha
(inscription cont'd) Righ
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robe
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robe
(l to r) Norma Jean, Robe
(l to r, back row) Kennet
(same as AutoNumber 7)
(same as AutoNumber 9)
1 boss with diagonal cord
1/4 inch dry screening.
14LV401 Feature 6, burned
14LV401, FN 1185 (mussel
18th and Vine
18th and Vine Historic Di
2s, sumac
3 frags of metate, recons
3/4 grooved; Dark gray ba
31st St north to Missouri
35mm test
43rd St N to Downtown Kan
5.4 cm wide, 0.7 cm thick
729 New York St.
729 New York St. Alley Ba
736 Alabama St.
736 Alabama St., identica
75cm in center of North w
79-80N/167-168E, 40 cm, a
820 Massachusetts St.
820 Massachusetts St., si
847 Ohio, front entrance
; 3.6 cm long
["Dolls for Dole" formerl
[in Kansas]
[Left to right, Senator B
[none supplied]
[on Air Force One?]
A 1986 reprint of a 1976
A collection of curious
A Collection of original
A treatise on the cultur
A voyage into the Levant
A Wet Sod Day
Abandoned building and ju
Abandoned urban reservoir
About to Bud
Above the Burn
Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex
Abstract cross hatching w
Abstracted cross hatching
Abstracted cross hatching
Abstracted cross hatching
Abstracted cross hatching
Abstracted cross hatching
Accessory farm structures
Accompanying letter discu
Actual size is 7" x 8"
Adam's needle
Admission of Indifference
Aerial view of a highway
Aerial view of downtown K
Aerial view of Hardin, Mi
Aerial view of Hardin, Mi
Aerial view of Kansas Cit
Aerial view of Kauffman S
Aerial view of Kelley sit
Aerial view of Kelley sit
Aerial view of multifamil
Aerial view of rail yard.
After Storm
After the Rain
Agalinis fasciculata (Ell
Agricultural land
Agriculture (Contoured be
Airport Road
Alan Kooi Simpson
Albert Gore
Alfonse Marcello D'Amato
Alfred M. (Alfred Mossman
Alive Woodside
All efforts were made to
All the Bright and Shinin
Allium drummondii Regel
Almost Goodbye
Alternate beveling; trian
Amber Woods
American coot wing bone
Ameristar Casino near Mis
Amorpha canescens Pursh
amusement park
An Admission of Chaos
An historical and chronol
An itinerary vvritten by
and also with Don Bradfor
Androstephium caeruleum (
Anemone caroliniana Walt.
Angered Landscape
Annals of commerce, manuf
Announcing Dole candidacy
Another Take on the Bush
Antler billet
Antler point tip; bifurca
Anvil Heads
Arabian Peninsula --Descr
Arcade at 828 Mass. St.
Arcade at 828 Massachuset
Archaic hammerstones and
Archaic projectile in sit
Archaic; lancelotae, 2 co
Armour Boulevard north to
Art Fletcher
art gallery
Artifacts from the collec
Asclepias hirtella (Penne
Asclepias incarnata L.
Asclepias meadii Torr. ex
Asclepias tuberosa L.
Asclepias viridis Walt.
Ashy sunflower
Aster novae-angliae L.
Aster praealtus Poir.
Aster sericeus Vent.
Astragalus crassicarpus N
Astragalus missouriensis
Astragalus nuttallianus D
Astragalus plattensis Nut
At Sudlow's Pond
athletic field
Atlante veneto.|n2.
automobile dealership
B. Frenzel
Baby Jay
Backfilling at Kelley sit
Backlit Clouds
Backlit Ditch
Backlit Ditch Wonders
Backlit Forms
Backlit Saplings
Baculites compressus var.
Baculites meeki (Elias)
Baculites pseudovatus (El
Bank Grasses
Baptisia alba (L.) Vent.
Baptisia australis (L.) R
Barbara Bush
Barbazon Reflex
Barbazon Woods
Barber B. (Barber Benjami
Bare Tree and Cold Break
Bare trees on rural lot
Barge on Missouri River
Barge on Missouri River.
Barry M. (Barry Morris) G
Barteldes Seed Store
Barteldes Seed Store, 804
Bartle Hall and Barney Al
Basal portion of side not
Basaltic rock with chips
Base (incomplete piece);
Baseball fields at recrea
Basketball mural on brick
Basketball mural on brick
Basketball mural on brick
Baylea capertoni (Beede)
Bee spiderflower
Before Struggle
Before the Storm
Beige and gray chert; tri
Beige chert with black fl
Beneath Eros
Berlandier's flax
Beyond Thinking-of-It
Bifacially flaked knife;
Bifacially worked stemmed
Bifacially worked; light
big bluestem
Big box and pad developme
Big box and strip commerc
Big box development at hi
Big box development, Libe
big box retail
Big Clouds
Big Sky
Big Sky and Floodplain
Big Sky, Quiet Evening
Bilgerfahrt vnd Beschreib
Bill Clinton
Bill Lacy
Bill Lacy, current direct
Bina Dole
Bindweed heliotrope
Birches at Rick's
Birthday Cloud
Bit end frag. of celt or
Bit end of battered "gree
Black and white photogra
Black and white slide
Black chert
Black Earth
Black Earth and Valley
Black Earth Landscape
Black Earth Return
Black Earth, Cold Spring
Black Earth, Perry
Black Earth/Backlit Cloud
Black Earth: What Happene
Black sampson echinacea
Black speckled gray-brown
Black to brown-black cher
Black to tan
Black to tan to white che
Black Trance
Black-eyed susan
Black-foot daisy
Blade, medium gray to dar
Blade; cream chert; worke
Blade; gray chert; chippe
Blank Plain
blossom stalk
blossom stalks
Blue false indigo
Blue funnel lily
Blue Leaves
Blue Parkway with Kansas
Blue Parkway with railroa
Blue River channel near 1
Blue River industrial are
Blue River w/junkyards /
Blue Springs strip commer
Blue Springs strip commer
Bluemound and Furrows
Bluemound End
Bluemound Evening
Bluemound Late Afternoon
Bluemound Rolling
Bluemound, Fast Sky
Bob Hope
Bob McEwen
Bob Michel
Bob Packwood
Bob Wilson
Bobby Baker
Bobby Edwards
Bobcat jaw fragment; butc
Body and part of head; sq
Body with head; lack of d
Body with head; square sh
Bone Clouds
Bone tube
Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsi
Botany--Early works to 1
Bowersock Opera House
Bowersock Opera House, no
Bowersock Opera House, no
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Be
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Bo
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Do
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Do
Box / Folder: BENT-1 / Lo
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Bob
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Chi
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / KU
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Rus
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Rus
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Rus
Box / Folder: BIO-1 / Was
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / 10t
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dol
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dol
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dol
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dol
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Dol
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Por
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Rec
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Rec
Box / Folder: BIO-2 / Rec
Box / Folder: BIO-3 / Rus
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Dol
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Rep
Box / Folder: CAM-1 / Rep
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 196
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 196
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / 196
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Cam
Box / Folder: CAM-2 / Pri
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Bil
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Dol
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Dol
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Fil
Box / Folder: CAM-3 / Nel
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 197
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 197
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / 197
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / Deb
Box / Folder: CAM-4 / Dol
Box / Folder: CAM-5 / 197
Box / Folder: CAM-5 / Deb
Box / Folder: CAM-6 / 198
Box / Folder: CAM-6 / 198
Box / Folder: CAM-7a / Do
Box / Folder: CAM-7a / El
Box / Folder: CAM-7b / Do
Box / Folder: CAM-7c / 19
Box / Folder: CONS-4 / Co
Box / Folder: DIP-3a / De
Box / Folder: DIP-3b / Ph
Box / Folder: FAM-3a / Bi
Box / Folder: FAM-3a / Fa
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Ded
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Dol
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Sen
Box / Folder: MAJ-1 / Tip
Box / Folder: MAJ-2 / Din
Box / Folder: MAJ-2 / Mee
Box / Folder: MAJ-4 / Ret
Box / Folder: MED-2 / Med
Box / Folder: MED-2 / Med
Box / Folder: NDIP-1 / Do
Box / Folder: OVS-1 / Loo
Box / Folder: OVS-13 / Lo
Box / Folder: OVS-2 / Loo
Box / Folder: OVS-3 / Loo
Box / Folder: OVS-6 /
Box / Folder: OVS-6 / Loo
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Agr
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Air
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Alf
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Ame
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Arm
Box / Folder: PLA-1 / Far
Box / Folder: PLA-10 / Do
Box / Folder: PLA-11b / K
Box / Folder: PLA-11b / K
Box / Folder: PLA-13 / Ma
Box / Folder: PLA-13 / Mi
Box / Folder: PLA-14 / Da
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Pa
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Pa
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / PO
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / PO
Box / Folder: PLA-16 / Pr
Box / Folder: PLA-17 / Qu
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Do
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Re
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Re
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Re
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Ru
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Ru
Box / Folder: PLA-18 / Ru
Box / Folder: PLA-19a / S
Box / Folder: PLA-19b / S
Box / Folder: PLA-19b / S
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / "Ba
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / B-1
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Bak
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Bla
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Boy
Box / Folder: PLA-2 / Whi
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Ta
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Th
Box / Folder: PLA-20 / Tr
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / [V
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Ve
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Ve
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Ve
Box / Folder: PLA-22 / Ve
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / W
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / W
Box / Folder: PLA-23a / W
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / N
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / W
Box / Folder: PLA-23b / W
Box / Folder: PLA-26 / Za
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Bic
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Cam
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Cas
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Con
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Cou
Box / Folder: PLA-3 / Mem
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / De
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / De
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Di
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Di
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Di
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Di
Box / Folder: PLA-4a / Do
Box / Folder: PLA-4b / Do
Box / Folder: PLA-5 / Eis
Box / Folder: PLA-5 / Emp
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Dol
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Far
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Foo
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / For
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Fou
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Fre
Box / Folder: PLA-6 / Par
Box / Folder: PLA-7 / "Gu
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Har
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Hum
Box / Folder: PLA-8 / Tri
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / Bos
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / ICM
Box / Folder: PLA-9 / Ira
Box / Folder: POR-1b / Bo
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Ja
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Jo
Box / Folder: PPL-10 / Ju
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Do
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Ke
Box / Folder: PPL-11 / Ke
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / L
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / L
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / L
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / L
Box / Folder: PPL-12a / L
Box / Folder: PPL-13a / M
Box / Folder: PPL-14b / N
Box / Folder: PPL-14b / N
Box / Folder: PPL-16 / Po
Box / Folder: PPL-18b / R
Box / Folder: PPL-18c / R
Box / Folder: PPL-18c / R
Box / Folder: PPL-20 / Te
Box / Folder: PPL-20 / Th
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Wa
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Wh
Box / Folder: PPL-23 / Wo
Box / Folder: PPL-25 / Ye
Box / Folder: PPL-2a / Ba
Box / Folder: PPL-2a / Ba
Box / Folder: PPL-2b / Bo
Box / Folder: PPL-2c / Bu
Box / Folder: PPL-2c / Bu
Box / Folder: PPL-3a / Ca
Box / Folder: PPL-3c / Fr
Box / Folder: PPL-4a / Do
Box / Folder: PPL-4b / Do
Box / Folder: PPL-4d / Le
Box / Folder: PPL-4d / Le
Box / Folder: PPL-4e / Do
Box / Folder: PPL-5 / Dol
Box / Folder: PPL-5 / Eis
Box / Folder: PPL-6b / Fo
Box / Folder: PPL-7 / Gor
Box / Folder: PPL-8b / Ho
Box / Folder: PPL-8b / Hu
Box / Folder: PPL-9 / Ino
Box / Folder: STAF-4 / St
Box / Folder: TRIP-1 / Ar
Box / Folder: TRIP-12 / B
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / Hu
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / In
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / In
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / It
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / It
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / It
Box / Folder: TRIP-2 / It
Box / Folder: TRIP-3 / Pa
Box / Folder: TRIP-3 / Tr
Box / Folder: TRIP-5 / Pa
Box / Folder: TRIP-7b / S
Box / Folder: TRIP-7f / P
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP
Box / Folder: VIP-1 / VIP
Box / Folder: VIP-3 / Bus
Box / Folder: VIP-3 / VIP
Bracted spiderwort
Bractless mentzelia
Breadroot scurf-pea
Break Writing
Bridge in Shadow
Bridge piers in field
Brightness of Blossoms
British Landscape
British Prime Minister Ma
Broad Sundown
Broiled Bush
Broken preform; dark to l
Broken tip; gray chert wi
Brook Creek Park
Brook Creek Park, Oak Hil
Brown chert with dark bro
Brown chert with fossilif
Brown chert with white in
Brown sandstone
Brown to dark brown; inco
brownfield, brown field
Brownish green fossilifer
Brush Creek view west fro
Bub Dawson
Buck's Creek Road—Dusk
Bucks Creek
Bud Smith
Buff to gray
Buff to tan; perforated;
Buffeted Tree
Buffeting Winds
Buildings at Sprint Corpo
Buildings in central busi
Buildings on Sprint Corpo
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammu
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammu
Bunkers at Sunflower Ammu
Burcham Park, Cold
Burned limestone
Burning; worked edge; yel
Busby's Field
Busby's Hill
Busby's Place
Bush Campaign '88
business district
business park
business, technology and
Butt end of stone axe; ma
Butterfly milkweed
Button blazing star
Button snakeroot
Byproduct from industrial
c. late 1960s, early 1970
Callirhoe alcaeoides (Mic
Callirhoe involucrata (To
Calm Clouds
Calylophus lavandulifoliu
Calylophus lavandulifoliu
Canis familiarius; left m
Canis famitiarius; right
Canis latrans; right mand
Canis lupus; right mandib
Canted Cloud
Cardamine concatenata (Mi
Cardinal flower
Carl Ramsey
Carl Rundquist
Carolina anemone
Carolina larkspur
Cartoon image
Carved bone artifact, has
Casino on Missouri River
Castor canadensis; left m
Catfish vertebra
Central Business District
central business distric
Central Business District
Central business district
Central School
Central School, 901 Kentu
Central School, now the 9
Ceramic sherd in situ, ar
Ceramic sherds in situ, a
Ceriocrinus (q)
Ceriocrinus (q) monticula
Chamaecrista fasciculata
Channelized portion of th
Chaos Giving Way
Charles "Chuck" Percy
Charles Evans Whittaker F
Charles Evans Whittaker F
Charles Langston, Marker
Charles Langston, Marker,
Chert hoe
Chert, gray; corner notch
Chert; bifacially worked;
Chester Trent Lott
Chicago surgeon Dr. Hampa
Chipped stone
Christy Graft
church, community scale
church, neighborhood scal
Cinder block building und
Circular base bifacially
Cirrus and Bluemound
Cities and towns, Medieva
Cities and towns--Europe-
Cities and towns--Maps--E
city north
Civitates orbis terrarum.
Cladochonus bennetti (Bee
Clark's Point - Case Park
Claude Pepper
Clayland Boyden Gray
Clematis fremontii
Clematis fremontii S. Wat
Cleome serrulata Pursh
Climbing rose
Climbing, Turning
Clinton and RJD were both
Clinton Dam Woods
Closely spaced, precise c
Cloud Bay
Cloud Break
Cloud Entrance
Clouds Building, Furrows
Clouds over Missouri Rive
Clouds over Missouri Rive
Coal fired power plant al
Coal fired power plant al
Cob fragment
Cold Break and Shining Sk
Cold Day Rising
Cold Sky Break
Cold Spring Hillside
Cold Storm
Cold Storm, Wetlands
Cold Sunday Morning
Cold Sunset
Cold Wind
College of Emporia Commen
Color slide
Colored Run
Columbus Park (Skyline in
Colyer Prairie
Combine and tractor in fi
Combines harvesting crops
commercial, community
commercial, convenience
Common golden star-grass
Common morning-glory
Community of Christ Templ
Compact, multifamily hous
Compass plant
Complete figure; square b
Complete pipe; large, rou
Complete Sketch
compressus var. corrugatu
Concave base, convex side
Concave base, convex side
Concrete drainage ditch i
Concrete drainage ditch w
Conference room, U.S. Cap
Confluence of Missouri an
Confluence of the Kansas
Congressmen selected to p
Conical pipe
Conical shape; decorated
Conical shape; hematite;
Conical shape; smooth sto
Contoured fields near Lex
Contoured fields with con
Contoured fields with con
Contracting stem, slightl
Contracting stem; buff to
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; convex
Contracting stem; gray to
Contracting stem; light b
Contracting stem; pink ch
Contracting stem; pink to
Contracting stem; reworke
Contracting stem; slightl
Contracting stem; slightl
Contracting stem; slightl
Contracting stem; slightl
Contracting stem; slightl
Contracting stem; tan to
Contracting stem; triangu
Contracting stem; triangu
Contrast in autumnal vege
Contrast of plowed field
Contrast of plowed field.
Contrast on agricultural
Convolvulus arvensis L.
Copper celt
Copse of Trees, Black Ear
Copse of Trees, Wheatfiel
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim with b
Cord marked at rim; tan t
Cord marked exterior, lig
Cord marked exterior, str
Cord marked exterior; lig
Cord marked exterior; lig
Cord marked exterior; tan
Cord marked with bossing
Cord marked with bossing;
Cord marked with bossing;
Cord marked, grit tempere
Cord marked, light tan-or
Cord marked, punctated ri
Cord marked; dark brown e
Cord-marked, grit-tempere
Cord-marked, one boss, or
Cord-marked; buff to tan
Cord-marked; grit-tempere
Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt.
Coretta Scott King
Corinthian Hall
Corinthian Hall in northe
Corn (maize); Zea mays; d
Corn Stubble
Corn Stubble Fall
Cornelius (Connie) Mack I
Corner notched, convex ba
Corner notched; concave b
Corner notched; convex ba
Corner notched; cream to
Corner notched; dark gray
Corner notched; gray to b
Corner notched; light gra
Corner notched; pink cher
Corner notched; rounded t
Corner notched; rounded t
Corner notched; slightly
Corner notched; slightly
Corner notched; slightly
Corner notched; slightly
Corner Shadows
Corner Weeds
Corner-notched with sligh
Corner-notched with sligh
Corot Thang
corridor, environmental
corridor, historic
corridor, transportation
Corydalis curvisiliqua En
Cottonwoods, Cumulus
Country Club Plaza
Country Club Plaza lookin
Country Club Plaza shoppi
Country Club Plaza shoppi
Cows' Road
Coyote Tree
Cracked & Warped Landscap
Cream chert unifacially w
Cream chert with very few
Cream chert, percussion f
Cream chert; unifacially
Cream chert; unifacially
Cream to buff chert with
Cream to buff sandstone
Cream to gray chert; bifa
Cream to pink chert; unif
Cream-white chert
Cream-white to pink chert
Credit to The Wichita Eag
Crew cleaning area.
Crew digs Features 5, 8,
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim with
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; bro
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; dar
Cross hatched at rim; gra
Cross hatched at rim; gra
Cross hatched at rim; gra
Cross hatched at rim; lig
Cross hatched at rim; lig
Cross hatched at rim; ora
Cross hatched at rim; ora
Cross hatched at rim; ora
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched at rim; tan
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched exterior ri
Cross hatched with bossin
Cross hatched with bossin
Cross hatched with incise
Cross hatched with incise
Cross hatched with large
Cross hatched with linear
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with puncta
Cross hatched with rectan
Cross hatched with small
Cross hatched with small
Cross hatched with small
Cross hatched with small
Cross hatched with square
Cross hatched with square
Cross hatched with square
Cross hatched with square
Cross hatched with thick
Cross hatched with thick
Cross hatched with thick
Cross hatched with two ro
Cross hatched with unique
Cross hatched with vertic
Cross hatched with vertic
Cross hatched; dark brown
Cross hatched; tan to bro
Cross hatching and puncta
Cross hatching with diago
Cross-hatched exterior wi
Cross-hatched exterior, o
Cross-hatched exterior, o
Cross-hatched exterior; d
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched with puncta
Cross-hatched, light oran
Cross-hatched, lip protru
Cross-hatching on upper r
Cross-section of nave {sh
Crossroads and Central Bu
Crossroads arts district.
Crossroads Bushes
Crossroads II
Crossroads Panorama
Curved incised line with
Cut Wheat
Cyclist on river levy
Dalea candida Michx. ex W
Dalea jamesii (Torr.) Tor
Dalea multiflora (Nutt.)
Dalea purpurea Vent.
Dan Glickman
Dan Quayle
Dancing Weeds
Daniel David "Dan" Rosten
Daniel K. Inouye
Daniel Ortega
Dark Earth
Dark gray
Dark gray chert
Dark gray chert with foss
Dark gray chert with whit
Dark gray chert with whit
Dark gray chert, ovate, b
Dark gray chert; bifacial
Dark gray chert; point at
Dark gray to brown chert
Dark gray to brown chert
Dark gray to cream-white
Dark gray to gray
Dark gray-brown sandstone
Dark gray-pink chert
Dark pink to black chert;
Dark pink to gray chert
Dark pink to light orange
Dark pink to light pink c
Dark pink to white chert;
Dark pink with white incl
Dark tan chert with black
Dark Woodside
Dark yellow-orange; oval
Darkened Sheen
Dave Owen
David C. Hilmers
David Letterman
David M. Brinkley
Davis Civic Mall
Day of the Tornado
De La Peña Tree
Dead nettle
Dead Owl Corner
Dead Owl Corner Road
Dead Treetop
Dead Woman Lane
Decorated object
Dedication of Hubert Hump
Deep cross-hatching on ex
Deer antler
Deer antler tine
Deer jaw
Deer Spotting: Buck's Cre
Deer ulna
Defenbaugh landfill
Defenbaugh landfill in Sh
Delegation to East Europe
Delocrinus conicus (Boos)
Delphinium carolinianum W
Dentate stamping and boss
Dentate stamping and inci
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim w
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim,
Dentate stamping at rim;
Dentate stamping at rim;
Dentate stamping on exter
Dentate stamping with bos
Dentate stamping with bos
Dentate stamping with pun
Dentate stamping, one bos
Deserted highway in Wabau
Desmanthus illinoensis (M
destination retail
Detention basin on Reserv
developed property
developing area
Development along highway
development, high intensi
Diagonal and horizontal i
Diagonal cord marked patt
Diagonal cord marking at
Diagonal cross hatching a
Diagonal cross hatching w
Diagonal cross hatching w
Diagonal dentate stamping
Diagonal dentate stamping
Diagonal dentate stamping
Diagonal dentate stamping
Diagonal incised line at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal incised lines at
Diagonal insiced line at
Diagonal punctate pattern
Diagonal rocker stamping
Dicentra cucullaria (L.)
Dimpled, conical shape; q
dirt road
Discussing disability pro
Disk shaped; brown to gra
Disk shaped; gray
Disk shaped; some pecking
Ditch Forms Writing the S
Ditch in Haze
Ditch stonecrop
Ditch Wonders
Division Review; (Creator
Doctor's Hill
Dodecatheon meadia L.
Dogwood Leaves
Dole in front of large Am
Dole on Presidential miss
Dolores Curry
Don Lock
Donald Lee Nickles
Doran Dole
Dorothy Jacobson
Double Hill: Perry
Double-pitted sandstone c
Dougherty graduated from
Douglas County Court Hous
Douglas County Courthouse
Down By the River
Downtown Airport, view of
Downtown area with suburb
Downtown Blue Springs, Mi
Downtown De Soto
Downtown De Soto in the f
Downtown Kansas City show
Downtown Kansas City, Kan
Downtown Kansas City, Kan
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Kansas City, Mis
Downtown Leavenworth
Downtown Leavenworth, Kan
Downtown Lexington with M
Downtown Lexington, Misso
Downtown Manhattan with K
Downtown Manhattan, Kansa
Downy gentian
Dr. B.R. Sen
Dr. Glen C. Hutchison
Dr. Johnson at Kelley sit
Draba cuneifolia Nutt.
Drainage channel in subur
Draining Field and Clouds
Dried Blossoms
Dried Bluestem
Dried Pasture and Overcas
Drill bit; broken; dark p
Drill bit; dark gray to g
Drilled hole; tan
Drought Afternoon
Drought Ditch Wonder
Drought Ditch Wonder II
Drought Plants and Break
Duane Mead and Barbara Ri
Duane Mead excavating at
Dumpsters at Defenbaugh D
duplex, double
During dedication of Robe
Dustin Dougherty
Dutchman's breeches
dwelling unit, attached
dwelling unit, detached
dwelling, high-rise
dwelling, multifamily
dwelling, single-family
dwelling, two-family
Dwight D. (Dwight David)
Eagle Hillside
Early maps.
Early Spring Overlooking
East Indian Grass
East of Town
East Side Plain
Eastern Low Floodplain Fo
Eastern Low Floodplain Pr
Echinacea angustifolia DC
Echinacea pallida (Nutt.)
Echinocereus viridiflorus
Edge modified blade; dark
Edge modified flake; brow
Edge modified flake; dark
Edge modified flake; ligh
Edge modified flake; ligh
Edge modified flake; tan
educational facility
Edward Jacob (Jake) Garn
Edward Moore Kennedy
Egypt --Description and t
Egypt--Description and tr
Elaine Brandy
Elderberry and Wild Grape
Elderberry at Henry's
Elderberry in Shadows
Elderberry in the Heat
Elderberry Nested
elderberry, wild grape
Eldridge Hotel, detail. T
electric power plant
Electric Woods
Elevated railway in rural
Elevated railway in rural
Elizabeth Dole adjusts ti
Elizabeth Hanford Dole
Elms and Mackerel Sky
Elms and Unknowns
End and side scraper; tan
End of Season
End of the Road
End of Year, Blacks, Edge
Endscraping bit; reworked
energy facility
English Kansas
English language--Glossar
Enteletes transversus (Ne
entertainment complex
entertainment district
entertainment, commercial
Entrance road to Harrah's
Entrance to Kansas Speedw
Entrance to Kansas Speedw
environment, natural
Epiphany in the Heat
Ermine Case, Jr. Park, fo
Eryngium yuccifolium Mich
Erysimum asperum (Nutt.)
Erythronium mesochoreum K
Etched lines on surfaces
Eudora/Desoto - general s
Evening North of Town
Evening Road
Evening, Cold
Evening, for Jean
Ewing and Marion Kauffman
Ewing and Marion Kauffman
Excavation by shovel skim
Excavation crew members.
Excavation in area B
Excavation in progress
Excavation in progress.
Excavation of site by cre
Excavation plan view.
Excavations may have been
Excavations proceeding in
Excavator Candie Heavin l
Excavator Georgia Willard
Excavators Joanne Boehrer
Excavators Wade Anderson,
Explanation of types of s
Explanation with illustr
Extract from account of v
Extract from description
Extract from discussion o
Extract from discussion o
Extract from recipes used
Extracts from a history o
Extracts from account of
Extracts from account of
Extracts from account of
Extracts from descriptio
Extracts from descriptio
Extracts from discussion
Extracts from Fynes Mory
Extracts from history of
Extreme Screen Theatre at
exurban area
Exurban large lot single
Fading Sky
Failed Sunset
Failure Field
Faint cross hatching and
Faint dentate stamping an
Faint impression and poss
Faint incised lines at ri
Faint rocker stamping wit
Faint rocker stamping; gr
Faint rocker stamping; in
Faint rocker stamping; ta
Fairfax Grain Elevator wi
Fall gathering on farm
fallen tree
Fallen Trees: Kaw Side
False sensitive plant
Fanned Field
Far Away
Far Look at Sunset
Far Look over Valley
Far-look: Evening
Farm crisis protest, Wash
farm dwelling
Farm Equipment
Farm related structures
Farm setting with pumpkin
Farmhouse and farmland
Farmhouse and farmland.
Fascicled false-foxglove
Fast Landscape
Fast Painting with Bob
Fast Run
Fast Woodside
Feature 1, pit 4W28
Feature 12, before excava